Apply for Accreditation

Application Form

Apply to The Franchise Consortium

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The Franchise Consortium Application

Supplier Application Form
(e.g. consistent growth, profitability)
Published & Actively Promoted
Core Values
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Specific experience serving the franchise industry.
Certified Franchise Executive? Date Achieved? In Process? (start date)?
Industry Awards and Accolades (Top 3)
Attendance at a minimum of three recognized franchise industry events per year
Regular sharing of thought leadership (e.g. speaking engagements, published articles) relevant to franchising
Active membership in the International Franchise Association (IFA) as a Supplier Member
Other Relevant Associations
Committee Memberships
Dedicated support team for franchise clients
Clearly defined client success processes and metrics tailored to franchise industry needs
Provision of five professional references from the franchise industry, including:
Franchisor Clients
Other suppliers or partners in the franchise ecosystem
Franchise industry experts or consultants
Comprehensive company and leadership team information on LinkedIn
Active and engaging social media presence with content relevant to franchising
Verifiable customer reviews from franchise industry clients with an average rating of 4.5 stars or higher
Platforms for reviews:
Transparent and fair contracts/agreements with franchise clients
Demonstrated understanding of and compliance with franchise-specific regulations that may affect their services
Regular client satisfaction surveys focused on franchise industry clients
Documented process for implementing feedback and improvements to better serve the franchise community
Clearly defined products or services specifically tailored to the needs of the franchise industry
Case studies or success stories demonstrating positive impact on franchise businesses
Provision of educational content or resources to help franchisors and franchisees better understand and utilize the supplier's products or services
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